Our personalized planning service is our leading study abroad product, and our top selling service. This is the unique Lucky Bay style, taking a long term approach to applications, and is open for students from Grade 7/Year 8 upwards, until Grade 11/Year 12. It takes a more long term approach to the university admissio
Zekai is the Director of our Personalized Planning program, having himself graduated from Penn State. Zekai works closely with families and students to help set them on the best path for future success. He serves as homeroom teacher for students on the personalized plan program.
Tina is an experienced counselor, having served as Head of Careers & University Guidance at OCAC Suzhou. She is our Strategic Counselor, helping create the long term strategic plan for students, and paying special focus to ensuring that students are placed in the educational system that best suits their natural strengths.
Xu is a globally certified Gallup strength trainer, and is our expert for personality testing, strength training, and career guidance. She helps students on our personalized planning service complete their initial testing which is used to design their personalized plan.
Julie is our lead Chinese counselor, and helps students on our personalized planning service find the best strategy in terms of preparing for English language tests, and academic competitions, as well as future summer school options. She herself graduated from Suzhou University, and XJTLU, where she studied a Master’s degree in Education.
Our co-founder, Oxford university graduate Benji serves as the International Counselor for students on our Personalized Planning service. He is there to check in with students, and to offer advice on background reading, MOOCs, and academic experiences that can help enhance student’s overall performance and to challenge them academically.
Cara graduated from Syracuse University in the USA, where she studied Economics. Having worked in both OSSD and A level schools, she is an expert in international education. Cara works with students to help identify potential research projects and internships that can help them explore their future career aspirations and goals.
Each student on our personalized planning service has a nominated foreign counselor, who helps create and guide the long term strategy for students, including considering whether it is beneficial for student to study in international schools inside China, or internationally.
The Chinese counselor leads the communication with our families on the personalized planning service, and is responsible for advising on external study options, summer schools, and academic competition strategy, to help create competitive backgrounds for students.
Our strategic counselor makes the long term study plan for students, connecting their schooling options, monitoring their performance in school, and advising on ways to improve results. They are there to give advice to students and families on how to use their personal strengths to succeed.
Our team are experts at helping students choose the educational system that gives them the best chance of success, whether that be IB, AP, OSSD, A Level or an alternative, based on their unique situation.
We help students apply for competitive schools (in China and internationally) as well as providing recommendations for appropriate schooling options for families.
Experts are on hand to help students understand and develop their personal strengths, so they can focus on developing their natural talents.
From the very start future career options are central to our service, with a long-term plan designed to help students achieve their future career goals.
Our personalized plan takes a long-term approach, over many years, to ensure that the college application process is smooth and hassle free.
As we take the time to get to know students well, we are able to help them apply and succeed in elite universities that fit their personal style, and future aspirations.
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